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As Converge grows, it could become easy to slip in and slip out each weekend and never connect with the people or the heart of our church. Life is not meant to be lived alone and our small groups are designed to help make a large church feel small. We believe life change happens more frequently in the circles of small groups than in the rows of our weekend services.


SMALLER GROUPS is our discipleship program.  These are one on one connections that are tailor made for each unique story and relationship.  Learning how to live a life FULLY surrendered to Jesus isn’t always a simple process and certainly doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all solution.  As a result-our SMALLER GROUP leaders are equipped with an arsenal of resources under the care and guidance of our pastoral team to help create meaningful conversations and relationships that sharpen and develop our understanding of who Jesus is and how He should be at the center of every aspect of our lives. 

In the logo/diagram each number represents an opportunity for us to do this journey of faith TOGETHER! 


#1 Is the community and connection that we experience together in our weekend services.


#2 Is the smaller & deeper community and connection we find in our small groups and short-term small group topical/book studies .


#3 Is being a part of connection & community & accountability in a one on one relationship to deepen our understanding of Jesus together.

For more information or to start your own tailor-made discipleship journey contact us.

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